Saturday, May 31, 2014


The boys are signed up for individual swim lessons this summer. We don't get to swim very often, but when we do, Heath and I want the boys to be able to keep themselves above the water. We're hoping a few lessons from a friend at church might get them on the right track.

One thing that Miss Ann asked us to pick up was goggles. The boys didn't have them, so after two trips to Target, both the boys had them in their favorite colors. Could they wait until their first lesson to try them out? Of course not. On Friday afternoon, it was hot and the boys were anxious, so we set up the sprinkler to "see if they worked."

And they did! 

They look hilarious in their goggles. Not sure if they're on quite right. Maybe they were too tight. But they loved them and enjoyed cooling off.

Four years old and ready for a fun summer! Are the goggles upside-down?

Heath got home from work in time to see the boys having fun, and of course, he held Ann Hadley in the water so she could get her toes wet. :)

We are definitely ready for swim lessons!

Softball and dirt

Heath has played softball for our church since before we even met. There's only been a few summers that he's "sat out." This year we weren't sure what his season would look like since Cash was playing ball, too, and it seemed that most of the church's games were scheduled for 8:15. So after weeks of going to the games solo, we joined Heath for our first game of the season on May 29th.

I was thinking since they were a bit older, and Cash was playing ball they would want to sit and watch the game with me, but I was wrong. They packed their new tractor and loader (thanks to some wonderful neighbors) and were ready for the game.

The soft dirt around the dugout is always the best place for little boys.

Ann Hadley was getting sleepy, so she was becoming a handful, but I was able to watch most of the first game. Heath had some great hits, too. Here he is on third.

They throw off their shoes and waste no time moving dirt from one pile to another. It was and always is bath night after a softball game. :)

Game balls

This past week Cash had two ball games, and they ended up being two very special games to him. The first game he played in the outfield and had some good plays and a few good hits, and then out of nowhere he was awarded the "game ball" after it was over. He was super excited!

The next game he played catcher for the first inning. Although he was excited at first, it was obvious after the first few pitches he wasn't so into it. There was no hustle in his step, he wasn't guarding the plate, he was unsure of what he needed to do. So the next two innings he played pitcher. It took him a few batters to warm up to the position, but after he did he was turned on, ready to stop the ball and make some plays. And he did!

Here he is in his (very hot and heavy) catcher's gear. Big smile! Obviously this is right before it started...

I didn't get any pictures of him as pitcher, but here they are giving high fives at the end of the game.  The boys always love this part!

After high-fives, Coach Jay always has them huddle up. Surprise! Cash got the game ball again! He was so shocked, but so happy!

Go Blue Jays!!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Beach Party Day

On Thursday, May 29th, Cash's Kindergarten class had their Beach Party. This is a day that had been written on the calendar weeks earlier, talked about, asked about, and anticipated by my lil' man since it was first announced. Heck, B was super excited about it, too, and honestly, I was looking forward to being back in the classroom to volunteer. 

So the day came. I sent Cash off to school in his swim trunks and Crocs. Then I got ready to head to town to volunteer later that morning. My parents came to watch the littles while I helped with the Ocean Centers in his classroom.

Here he is with his partner, Reeve, at a center across the room. I had a break from helping with my center, so I snapped this pictures. Each of the kiddos got to wear leis. Love that smile!

He always has a bright smile for me when I come in to help. At the center I helped with, the students got to make a beach scene cupcake. White icing, blue icing, graham cracker crumbs, a teddy graham, gummy life saver and an umbrella. Did he eat it? Only the icing... :)

They made visors, jellyfish, fancy fish, colored sand bottles, waves in a bottle, and tossed rings on an inflatable dolphin, just to name a few. He had a blast!

I ended up having lunch with him, then went home to check on the littles. Grammy and Grandad headed out, and I loaded B and Moonie up to go check out the second part of the Beach Party Day.

Around 1:00, all the Kindergartners headed outside for a Limbo contest and some water fun! Everyone brought their favorite water shooter and a towel - and were ready to get wet. Siblings were welcome, so even B got to get in on the fun!

Moonie was busy watching all the Kindergartners run around, enjoying the hot day with their friends. She was also busy relieving some teething pain.

Although the line was long, they were able to fill it up quicker than I thought and head out to find a friend to soak.

I got tickled because B had no fear. These kids were older and bigger, and he knew only a handful, but that didn't stop him from blasting the first one he came to. 

Here's my big guy soaking a friend. It ended up being the perfect day. Hot, but a bit cloudy, so no one got too much sun or roasted.

 So much fun! They enjoyed it, their friends enjoyed it, and I believe the teachers and parents had fun, too. Happy Beach Party Day!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Up to speed

So I'm thinking since it's almost the end of May, I'd try to get everyone up to speed as to what we've been up to. Here's a few pictures to give you an idea:

Moonie girl has been taking baths in the laundry room sink. It's deep enough to control the splashing, and she loves it. She's seven months old, by the way. Anyone know how to slow down time? She's growing up way too fast.

We've also been hanging out with Aunt Ali. A lot of people have asked us who Ann Hadley looks like. The answer is: we're not sure. But right now she most resembles Alison's baby pictures. (I'll have to post some later.)

We've been playing ball in the front yard with Uncle Chris and Nick. Oh, yes, we've also been wearing our Creature Power suits. I made them for the kids to wear during Baylen's birthday party in March, and they've been a hit since. And, yes, B is a leftie.

I've been spending most my days with these two. I call them "my littles." While Cash is off being a big boy at Kindergarten, these two keep me busy.

Cash is playing ball again this fall. He's in the coach-pitch league and on the Blue Jays. It's been an interesting season so far. He's had some great hits, is great at fielding the ball and getting better at throwing. The games are a bit slow though sometimes and his attention span isn't always the best. But he loves it, and I love watching him play. It's all for fun now, right?

These two are thick. She is definitely a daddy's girl and has him wrapped around that finger. She saves her biggest smiles for him, too. She's been working on her two bottom teeth since the beginning of April. *sigh* Until they come in, everything will go to the mouth!

Yes, my handsome ballplayer. Almost six years old. Almost a first grader. Almost too much for mama.

Helper #1 while planting garden

Helper #2 while planting garden

Can you guess who was more help? B really did help this morning. I was trying to get some things in the ground before the rain came. We planted potatoes, black beans, carrots, pole beans and butter beans in a flash. He was, and is most days, my big helper.

Cash played the role of the "Mexican Rise" in the nutrition play at school. Too cute! The Kindergarteners worked hard on it, and it was very entertaining. My favorite was the pizza song!

On Mother's Day our church had Baby Dedication. We pledged, along with other families, to strive to raise our baby girl in a way that would glorify God, teaching her His Word and living our lives in a way that would point her to Him. This is the best picture we got. Not sure what I was looking at, Ann Hadley was asleep, B was stretching ... Oh, well. It was a blessing to have family there with us!

Mother's Day 2014
My heart is full
By the way, I made Ann Hadley's dress! Yes, you read that right. I made her bow, too. Maybe I'll blog about taking up sewing. Hmmm...

Karalee and I with mom on Mother's Day

We also had the Children's Choir program at church. B sang with the 3-4 year olds in the fellowship hall. What a grown-up guy! He's a shy one on stage though. He sang so very softly, but was so darn cute!

Cash sang in the sanctuary with the big kids. He, on the other hand, sings out loud and clear with a huge smile. Love my boys!

We've been enjoying this weather, too. (Gotta get this girl a girly bucket hat.)

Surprise! Yes, we've been pouring concrete already this year! We have been working on the basement slab in the last few weeks. Heath formed it up and poured it one afternoon when both boys were here to "help." Look at that job though! They're getting it nice and slick.

And yes, we've been getting in lots of play time with cousin Kennick. Since Cash has been in school these two guys have become pretty thick. Every week my B asks when Kennick is coming to play. Here they are enjoying the summer's first watermelon in the backyard.

And sadly, we've been saying good-bye to friends. When we first visited Rich Pond Baptist Church, one of the first people to welcome us with this guy, Bruce. He soon became Mr. Bruce to the boys, as he was in charge of children, youth and family ministries. He and his wife have become close friends since we joined, but they are now moving to MS so he can help pastor a church down there. Ann Hadley and sweet Rylee are just months apart. Praying for their ministry and hoping we can stay close even with distance.

Shew. May has been busy! Now that you've been officially brought up to speed, I can take off with this new blog, right? :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

No promises...

I originally decided to start making photo books with my time instead of blogging, but it never happened. The time that I spent uploading pictures and typing posts went to something else. I'm not really sure just what it went to, but I never produced any photo books.

And now that I have decided to start blogging again, our lives have changed to the point that I needed a new blog. What used to be "my boys" has grown to "my boys and Moonie girl," so I signed up for a new URL and have a new title to go along with it. 

I'm hoping to keep up with the happenings around here. I'll try my best, but I made no promises when I started God's grace, my boys and the river, and I'll make no promises with this blog either. So here it is - the stories of Two Misters and a Sister.